~ welcome to PINOT NOIR ~

Enjoy the Taste of Summer!

Visit our winery and taste our perfect wines.

~ About us ~

Італійські вина в bag-in-box та кегах

Замовляючи в BearTeam вина з Італії в бег-ін-бокс чи в пластикових кегах ви отримуєте не лише високий прибуток, адже натуральні італійськи вина завжди затребувані, а й зможете значно збільшити потік клієнтів до свого закладу, тому що такі вина знайдуть багатьох поціновувачів. 


Hectares of land;

897 +



Bottles produced;

345 +

Tours per year;


Visitors per year.

Зручний об`єм

Вино в КЕГ та бег-ін-бокс - це вигідно

Смак справжнього італійського вина за розумні гроші- це реально.

Вартість розливного бокса з тихим вином або ж однієї кеги з ігристим в порівнянні з такою ж кількістю літрів пляшкового вина – коштує щонайменше вдвічі дешевше.


Тихі вина


Ігристі вина


Grenache Rosé

Vintage wine (2000)

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~ Переваги італійських вин в бег ін боксах ~

BearTeam - надійний постачальник вина 

Шукаєте надійного дистрибютора італійських вин , щоб і ціни були розумними і якість вина була найвищою? Ми маємо що запропонувати!

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    The Best Varieties

    Our winemakers select the best grape varieties to create the perfect bottles of wine for you to enjoy.

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    Authentic Wines

    All our wines have excise stamps and certificates of authenticity. We are proud for each bottle of Pino Noir wine.

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    Native Yeasts

    Our wine experts rely on yeasts naturally found on grape skins and in the local air to ferment the juice.

Vineyard Tours to One of The Oldest Wineries in the USA.

Visit our vineyards to experience a breathtaking view along with a deep dive in the winemaking industry.

Переваги італійських ігритсих вин Серена в кегах

Vast and Diverse Array of Wines Is Waiting for You.

Sign up for a tasting or order delivery.

Red Wine Blanc Wine Rose Wine

Depending on the grapes used, the region where it is produced and the aging process, wines can vary greatly in taste, texture, and aroma. Taste different wines and select your favorite ones!


Vintage Wines

Enjoy wines bottled in the 1980s and 1990s. Taste them and order delivery.


The Best Grape

We use only the highest quality grapes from our plantations in Texas.


Beautiful Bottles

We work with designers to create the most beautiful wine bottles.


Interesting Tours

Sign up for a tour and tasting and learn more about our wines.

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Our Vineyards Grow the Highest-Quality Grapes.

What really matters to us is the quality of the grapes we use for our wines. We We believe in sustainable grapes growinf.

Our hand-planted vineyards produce estate-grown white and red wines. Our winemaking philosophy is to take the fruit from each wine crop and tell the story of the year. 
Each vineyard is sustainably grown and selected according to the variety of soils, elevation, climate terroir, all located in our Valley.

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    Visit Our Vineyard

    121 Pickle Road #97, Austin.


Our Lovely Clients About Us.

Read the testimonials of our customers to find out why so many people visit us.


Amanda Willson

"I'm so happy for the opening of the Pinot Noir Winery. They have a tremendous collection of the finest wines. We had a really great time there and will definitely come back soon."

December 15, 2022


Will Smith

"Visiting the winery was an amazing experience! The staff were so friendly and knowledgeable and the wine was delicious. I've already recommended Pinot Noir to my friends."

January 04, 2023


Alice Jackson

"The scenery was beautiful and it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. I would highly recommend visiting this winery!"

Mach 25, 2023


Wine Tasting 2021


The Best Vineyard 2022


Grapes Variety 2022


Wine Festival 2022


Wine Cellar 2023

~ Wine Tastings ~

Come Visit Us to Taste & Enjoy.

Our tasting room is located on the top of the hilly vineyard and offers guided tastings of all our great wine selections. Come visit us to enjoy Pinot Noir wines and relax sipping a divine drink.

~ Wine Club ~

Чому італійські вина від BearTeam вигідно?

Дізнайтеся більше про наш сервіс та його переваги.



Get up to 20% off on all wine purchases.


Wine Tastings

Сomplimentary individual wine tastings.


Exclusive Events

Free Pinot Noir winery events participation.



Refer a friend or family member and get a reward.

Winery | September 22, 2022

Thanksgiving Food & Wine Pairings

Wine pairings really make sense, especially on holidays. Thanksgiving is the coziest feast which unites families.

Read more

Winery | December 04, 2022

A Look Into Harvest Season 2022

As to winemaking, the harvest season reveals all the magic. The harvest season at Pinot Noir usually takes place in late August.

Read more

Winery | March 04, 2023

How We Make Sparkling Wine

Sparkling wine is the most admirable drink by all wine lovers. Do you know what it takes to make those bubbles?

Read more

Join Our Wine Tastings!

Our Tasting Room is located on the top of the hilly vineyard and offers guided tastings of all our great wine selections. Come visit us to enjoy!

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